Newbury Historical Society Update 2024
The Newbury Historical Society is focusing on:
Recruiting new members and board members​
Adding new materials to the collection​
Cataloging and indexing the collection​
Developing new programs for the community​
Organizing the Sherman Hall office
Notes of Gratitude:
After decades of invaluable work for NHS, Bill and Margie Weiler have stepped down from the board. The Board would like to express our deepest gratitude for their dedication and hard work for all these years and their ​immense contribution to the preservation of Newbury's history.
The Board is also sorry to be losing another major contributor to our mission, Paula Falkowski, who has moved out of the area. Paula served as Board Secretary and has been a very dedicated and active board member. She will be sorely missed and the Board thanks her for her significant contribution, her dedicated engagement, and her cheery spirit.
Board of Directors: Deane Geddes, Marilyn Geddes, Sally Harris, Judy LaPorte, John Lyons, Patricia Sherman, Barbara Steward
Contact Information: Newbury Historical Society
P.O. Box 176
Newbury, NH 03255
We need you!
New members and/or volunteers are needed to help keep Newbury history alive.
Current Projects that welcome your involvement:
Catalog the collection at Sherman Hall
Develop and present programs to the community​​​
Historic house markers
If your Newbury house is over one hundred years old, you may apply for an historic house designation. Click here to download an application form.​
Web Site Maintenance
Newbury Cane Presentation
NHS Board
Your ideas are welcome!
Recent NHS Newsletters
click a year below to read that newsletter
2024 Horse Power, Old House Reflections, Joe Digilio
2022 Newbury Militia, Muster Days
2020; Steamboats, Historic elections
2018; "Assisted living in 1835" Abandoned farms
2017; George Blodgett, 1801 Blodgett wedding
2016; Civil War Soldier, Morse clan 1901
2015; Yellow "gingerbread" cottage on 103
We gratefully accept tax-deductible donations of financial support. We encourage donations of appropriate pictures and documents. Donations help ensure the preservation of our cultural resources and history and fund our on-going projects and future endeavors. Click for donation form.